Focus and Scope
Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus (ACS) is the oldest and the most prominent journal in the field of agriculture in Croatia. ACS is an international journal that publishes original scientific papers, scientific reviews and preliminary communications in the field of agricultural and related sciences.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
"Online first" publication
"Online first" publication considerably shortens the waiting time from acceptance to first publication before the article is assigned to the corresponding ACS issue. It also ensures that the scientific community learns about the research at an early stage. "Online first" articles are published on the ACS website as uncorrected galley proofs. They have been linguistically revised and proofread by the author and the editor and can be cited and used for studies. However, prior to final publication in one of the ACS issues, editors may make some minor changes to achieve the best possible quality and accuracy. We encourage readers to replace the "online first" articles with the final versions as soon as they are available in one of the ACS issues. Suggested citation of ACS "Online first" papers: Mirahmadi F., Mizani M., Sadeghi R., Givianrad M. H. (2023). Physical Properties and Chemical Composition of Pistacia atlantica subsp. kurdica (Zohary) Rech. F. gum: Effect of Geographical Region and Tree Gender. Agric Conspec Sci (Online first). Available at: