Evaluation of Soil Suitability for Regional Planning in Croatia
Pages: 169-177
Soil suitability map with scale of 1:300 000 have been printed in the Republic of Croatia first time, based on the data of Basic Soil Map with scale of 1:50 000 and other cartographical surveys, made in the last 30 years. A group of authors has made an evaluation of soil cultivation suitability in accordance with the modified criteria of land evaluation (FAO, 1976. and Ž.Vidaček, 1976 and 1981). A total of 65 soil units of automorphic, hydromorphic, halomorphic and subaqual soils have been evaluated according to the suitability degree and to dominating kinds of limitations for an intensive use in agriculture, respectively. As per suitability degree, possibilities of use, needs of land reclamation and protection there are in Croatia 25657,55 km 2 or 53,8% soils of different suitability classes (suitable, moderately suitable, restricted suitable), 6880.27 km 2 or 14,4% temporarily unsuitable and even 15181.43 km 2 or 31,8% soils permanently unsuitable for an intensive use in agricultural production. Rocky surfaces mainly located in the Karst areas cover 7964.55 km 2 . Soil suitability map for cultivation has multiple significance. At national and regional level, it can serve for planning of a sustainable development and protection, as well as cultivation of land, then as a base for development of agriculture and forestry, for regional planning, protection of human environment, making of projects for main roads, gas pipelines, waterworks and other urban and industrial plants. Therefore, protection of soil shuld not be in compentence of one user only, but of all those who must keep in mind that a sustainable use and well organized protection of soil is a base for human existence.
land evaluation; land use; soil protection; soil suitability
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