Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, Vol 76, No 1 (2011)

Groundwater Dynamics in Drained Soils of the Biđ-fi eld District


Pages: 41-47


The main goal of five-year stationary investigations (2001-2006) was to assess groundwater dynamics in the Biđ-field district, as well as the type of soil moistening of agricultural soils spreading over 5838 ha. Detailed hydropedological investigations were carried out in 2000 and a soil map of the region was produced (scale = 1:10000) using universal kriging. Soil investigations identified six pedosystematic units: alluvial-gley, semigley-pseudogley, eugley hypogley, humogley, eugley amphigley and drained soils. Based on permanent monitoring of piezometer groundwater (piezometer depth up to 4.0 m) in the period from 2001 to 2006, the following major soil moistening types and subtypes of the separated soil units were determined: semigley-pseudogely, hypogley, humogley, amphigley and drained. Using the correlation method, more intensive groundwater communication was determined in the studied soil profiles with the River Biđ water (r = 0.65-0.69) than with the River Sava water (r = 0.23-0.69), notably in hypogley soils, which cover 54.3% of the studied area. Analysis of the obtained piezometer water level curves indicated a very strong mutual correlation between the groundwater level dynamics in monitored hydrogeological piezometers of 9 m depth (r = 0.87-0.98), as well as a strong correlation (r = 0.75-0.94) between hydrogeological and hydropedological piezometers of 4 m depth. A particularly strong correlation (r = 0.85-0.94) was recorded between hydrogeological and hydropedological piezometers installed in hypogley soil. These data confirm marked vertical communication of groundwater in the deep aquifer with water of the shallow soil aquifer, indicating that the surface layer of the studied area, mainly made up of silty clay loams to silty clays, is not impervious.


Biđ-field; groundwater level; piezometer; correlation

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