Genetic Parameters for Linear Type Traits in Three Czech Draught Horse Breeds
Horse conformation is considered an indicator of performance, which plays an important role in breeding decisions. Genetic parameters were estimated for linear type traits in three draught horse breeds – Czech-Moravian Belgian horse, Silesian Noriker and Noriker. Traits were divided in six groups according to the region of the body. Observations on 946 Czech Moravian Belgian horses, 574 Silesian Norikers and 640 Norikers were analysed using a multi breed multitrait animal model. Fixed effects of sex, age at scoring, breed and contemporary group were considered. Genetic parameters were estimated using restricted maximum likelihood. Estimated heritability ranged from 0.05 to 0.59. Lowest values were estimated for stance of back pasterns and shape of back feet, while highest values were found for body measures. Estimations of genetic correlation between traits ranged from -0.53 to 0.98. The highest correlation was found between length of stride in walk and length of stride in trot. The estimated heritabilities and correlations suggest that a genetic improvement of analysed traits is feasible.