Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, Vol 64, No 2 (1999)

Nitrates, Heavy Metals and Herbicides in Soil and Waters of Karašica-Vučica Catchment Area

Željko VIDAČEK, Mario SRAKA, Lepomir ČOGA, Aleksandra MIHELIĆ

Pages: 143-150


Two-years investigations of nitrates, heavy metals and herbicides in soil, surface and groundwater were conducted on agroecological station Kapelna near Donji Miholjac, in the catchment area Karašica - Vučica. Concerning the scientific project "Protection of soil and water in the agriculture" the intensive and extensive land use and fertilization respectively, the trial was organized on amphigley hidroameliorated by channels with and without pipe drainage. Crops in trial were corn (1997.) and winter wheat (1997/98.) on which were applied two rates of nitrogen fertilizing - extensive and intensive. Determined concentrations of nitrates in soil varied from 0,56 to 5,06 mg NO3-/100 g of soil, and they were regularly higher on variants with intensive fertilizing. Concentrations of nitrates in surface and groundwater sometimes were above maximum allowed concentrations (MAC) for all categories of waters, with maximum value 126,0 mg NO3-/l. Content of heavy metals in soil did not aceed MAC for arable soil with heavier texture, while concentrations of copper and cadmium in surface and groundwater were occasionally above MAC for I and II categorie of waters, and lead above MAC for III and IV categories of waters. Maximum content of atrazine in soil was 26 ng/g, and for clortoluron 41,35ng/g. Concentrations of atrazine and clortoluron in surface and groundwater occasionally were above MAC for single and total pesticides in waters, varying from 40 to 1250 ng/l.


contamination; heavy metals; herbicides; nitrates; soil; water

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