Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, Vol 64, No 3 (1999)

The Influence of Inter-Row Cover Cropping on Mean Characteristics of Grapevine


Pages: 187-198


The influence of the inter-row cover cropping, with three different grass-legume mixtures ("grasses"- Agrostis alba, Festuca rubra, Lolium perenne, Poa pratensis; "legumes"-Lotus corniculatus, Trifolum repens; "grass-legume mixtures" Agrostis alba, Dactylis glomerata, Festuca rubra, Poa pratensis, Lotus cornuculatus, Trifolium repens; "tillage") on agrobiological and technological characteristics of cultivars Graševina and Rizling rajnski have been investigated. In the three-year period cover cropping of vineyard did not influenced bud fertility of these two cultivars. There has been no significant differences among the variants in yield, although variants "legumes" and "tillage" have obtained usually higher yield. Variants "tillage" and "legumes" have obtained significantly better vigour of Rizling rajnski then the other two. Cover cropping have reduced vigour of Graševina. significantly. Mechanical composition of bunches have been similar in all the variants, as well as the content of soluble solids and acids in most. The influence of the cover cropping on the chemical composition and sensorial evaluation of the wine have not been approved. Wines have been characteristic for the cultivars but vary slightly from year to year. Cover cropping has not influenced negatively on the mean characteristics of grapevine under certain ecological conditions, so we consider it to be an appropriate soil system especially on the fertile soils and in the wet years.


Vitis vinifera L.; cover cropping; yield; vigour; most quality; wine quality

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