Soil Erosion by Water in Perennial Plantations of the Ilok Region
Antonija KUSTURA, Ivica KISIĆ, Ferdo BAŠIĆ, Aleksandra JURIŠIĆ
Pages: 75-83
Soil erosion by water is a natural process, in which soil particles get detached from soil mass, transported and deposited at a distance. Erosion depends on a number of natural factors, such as terrain slope, amount and intensity of precipitation, soil (structure, mechanical composition, permeability, infiltration, etc.), wind, crop rotation, and plant cover. Soil erosion by water is one of the most dangerous soil damaging processes. In the hilly part of the studied region, erosion causes great problems to fruit and wine production. The principal goal of this work is to find ways of reducing erosion by applying appropriate agricultural management practices, different methods of plant residue management, and radical conservation practices. Research results indicate that erosion cannot be prevented (especially in case of extreme weather conditions – very intensive precipitation), but it may be reduced to a tolerable level by selecting optimal agricultural practices.
soil erosion; perennial plantations; type of soil; grass covered inter-row space
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